How do I request a refund?

You can request a refund within 30 days from the date of the transaction only if none of the credit has been used. The refunds will be made to the payment method used at the time of the original payment.

Please note that your refund request cannot be processed due to one or more of the following reasons:

1) Your refund request has been submitted later than 30 days from the date of transaction.

2) Your refund request is for credit(s) that have been used or deducted.

3) Your refund request is for credit(s) provided free of charge.

4) Your refund request is for credit(s) with special benefits.

5) Your refund request has been submitted after the account was deleted.

Please note that we don't offer a partial refund and any refund needed will be refunded back to the original method payment method. If you'd like to get a refund to a different account, please contact the Listly team.